Health & Fitness

Why Whole30?

Since the diagnosis in April, I have been pretty flippant about the whole adrenal fatigue thing – googled a little, tried to get less stressed at work, took some herbs to keep the naturopath happy – but really, Crossfit 5/wk and kind-of eating paleo can fix anything right?

Apparently, no?!
The more I read, the more I realized that this was something I couldn’t out-train, cure by applying mind over matter, or ignore – all of which I tried. Also, the (somewhat belated) research indicated that many of my health frustrations may well be tied to these messed-up adrenal glands and the cortisol they are throwing around willy nilly.
Then, last weekend while listening to a Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness podcast, I got the final slap across the head that I was (apparently) waiting for. Responding to a question, Sarah Fragoso discussed her experience with adrenal fatigue and how she recovered. I mean if Sarah Fragoso – hard core crossfitter from NorCal (no less) and friend of Robb Wolf – says I need to get serious, then I’m going to Get Serious!

So I determined that September is Get Serious month.
1) Sleep at least 8hrs/night,
2) Eat to minimize inflammation,
3) Reduce physical stress by eliminating WODs from my training*
4) Take the herbs, because apparently the naturopath knows what she’s talking about.
*you (and Sarah Fragoso) may think I should reduce workplace stress too – but really, my job isn’t that stressful 🙂

Today, one of my CF coaches suggested others may be interested in reading about my Whole30 journey – if you are, welcome! If not, ok.

Oops, have to go to bed.


4 thoughts on “Why Whole30?

  1. Pingback: A Belated Update | 730 Deep Breaths

  2. Loved ready this Kelly! Good to see that the Naturopath did know what she was talking about ;). So happy that you’ve dedicated this month (September) to you and your health. Well done, and a great start. Remember preparation is the key, a slow cooker is also going to become your new best friend.

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